Sunday, January 10, 2010


There are those who say that, "they refuse to worship a God who is a control freak.  A God who created us just to worship him has to be a control freak and if you don't worship Him then He will punish you."

God created us to be His "friend," to walk with Him in the "garden of Eden."  The "garden of Eden" represents Heaven.  Adam and Eve messed that up and now we have a continuous tug in our hearts towards something better than what we have here on earth.  We weren't created just to worship Him, that is what the Cherubims do.  Abraham was called the "friend of God" by God (Jas 2:23) because he obeyed God.  He still doubted, but when it came time to obey, he did.

Now in Luke 4:38-39 Jesus left the synagogue and went to Simon's (Peter) house.  When He saw that Simon's mother-in-law was sick with fever He touched her and the fever left that instant that He touched her.  Then it says that "she immediately got up and waited on them." (NASB)

You see, just like the woman, we are in sickness.  The sickness of sin.  And just like the woman, we don't like being sick.  You know, sore throat, sneezing, burning watery eyes, stuffed nose, sinus headache, can't sleep, feeling worse than a wet dog.  What a terrible feeling to be in "bed" with sin making us sick.  Some of you might say, "There are a lot of sinners that are very happy!"  Are they?!  I think that if I were to ask those sinners if they were happy the answer would be no.  I believe that beneath the surface they are crying out for something better.  And that leaves them feeling yucky. The cure for the sickness is Jesus Christ.  Just like when Jesus touched the woman and the fever left her instantly, so it will be if you honestly and truly repent of your sins.  When you no longer feel sick but have joy in your heart, isn't that worth worshiping, or as the passage says, waiting on the one who makes it possible?