I am a sinner! I lived in sin all of my life. Those who know me know about my sinful state before I trusted Jesus 3 and a half years ago. No I never murdered anybody but just the smallest sin makes you a sinner and like the Apostle Paul, in my head, I am the "chiefest of sinners".
Although I am forgiven and have salvation, I still have to answer for the things that I did while I was here on earth. I have to give an account for my sins. One day we will all bow down to the King of kings.
I deserve to be crucified for my sins, but Jesus took that agonizing death upon himself because He loves me.
Crucifixion was the worst way to execute someone during Jesus' time. It was so terrible that a Roman citizen was exempt from such a death.
Jesus was beaten before being hung on the cross. Pieces of flesh were missing from his body and he lost a lot of blood as He carried His own cross to where the crucifixion took place.
Jesus died for sinners. He took the penalty that we deserved. He was beaten and nailed to a cross so that I would be forgiven.
You see, God is righteous and cannot sin, so he must punish all sins including those made out of ommision. But God in His righteousness gave us a way out. Instead of feeding the fires in hell with our souls, He sent his Son to die for us so that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.
The punishment that Jesus took on Himself was meant for me. That is what I deserve but Jesus went in my place.
The good news is that because of what Jesus did on the cross I have hope. Hope in this life and beyond.
"It is finished" John 19:30
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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